From Tourism BC here are some interesting facts about British Columbia. This is a great website to check out if you are looking for places to visit in this great province.
- Capital city: Victoria on Vancouver Island
- Population: 4.5 million (concentrated in Vancouver, population 2.3 million, and Victoria, population 368,000)
- Canada's third most populated province (after Ontario and Quebec)
- Only province in Canada to experience a "West Coast special": ski and golf in the same day
- Westernmost of Canada's 10 provinces
- History: Entered Canadian confederation in 1871
- Total Area: 944,735km sq/364,764mi sq
- Highest Point: Fairweather Mountain, 4,663m/15,299ft
- Lowest Point: Pacific Ocean, sea level
- Longest River: Fraser River, 1,368km/850mi
- Largest Lake: Williston Lake (reservoir), 1,761km sq/680mi sq
- Largest Island: Vancouver Island, 32,137km sq/12,408mi sq
- Provincial Flower: Pacific dogwood
- Provincial Tree: Western redcedar
- Provincial Bird: Steller's jay
- Provincial Gemstone: Jade
- Provincial Motto: "Splendour without diminishment"